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来源:综合知识2023-06-02 05:51:52
导读 您好,今天蔡哥来为大家解答以上的问题。疯狂动物城观后感英文简单,疯狂动物城观后感英文相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!...


1、zootopia was phenomenal!when this movie was first announced,i was so skeptical,even up to the point of being at the theatre today.but it was incredible and ,yes,i cried like i always do at desney and pixar ***.it adderessed so many of the crazy and scary things that our happening in our society today,in a funny way but with a serious to heart message.bravo,disney!well look back at this movie someday and think,"was that really how the world was?" in spite of being a powerhouse company,disney can really do some good when they use their plstform to inspire our society。

