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来源:综合知识2024-02-17 01:10:24
导读 您好,今日明帅来为大家解答以上的问题。文艺复兴英文名词解释,文艺复兴英文相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、文艺复兴...


1、文艺复兴的中英文介绍(起因与影响)文艺复兴运动是发生在14—17世纪的欧洲,是正在形成中的资产阶级在复兴希腊罗马古典文化的名义下发起的弘扬资产阶级思想和文化的运动The Renaissance was occurred in 14 - seventeenth Century in Europe, is the emerging bourgeoisie in the revival of Greek classical culture in Rome under the name of initiating promoting bourgeois ideology and cultural movement为什么称这场运动为“文艺复兴”?Why is referring to this movement as " the renaissance "由于新生的资产阶级是借助古代希腊、罗马的文化来反对封建神学的,所以历史上称这场新兴的文化运动为“文艺复兴”。

2、The new bourgeoisie is have the aid of ancient Greece, the culture of Rome to oppose the feudal theology, so the history that the new cultural movement of the Renaissance " ".二、实 质(Solid matter)是一场以古典文化复活为外衣的新文化运动,是当时欧洲社会经济与政治结构变革条件下的产物,是中世纪晚期欧洲世俗文化发展的必然结果,同时,它又反过来进一步加速欧洲社会的进步。

3、To be a classical culture the resurrection as the coat of the new culture movement, was the European social economy and political structure reform under the conditions of the product, is a late medieval secular European culture and the inevitable result of the development, at the same time, it in turn further acceleration of European society. 新兴资产阶级主张以人为中心而不是以神为中心;他们颂扬人的价值、人的尊严、人的力量和人的伟大,认为人可以创造一切;他们赞美人生和自然,崇尚科学和理性。

4、The emerging bourgeoisie advocated people-centered rather than to God as the center; they celebrate human value, dignity, strength and greatness, to think that a man can create everything; they praise life and natural, advocating science and reason.积极作用Positive role 一是大大动摇了教会封建神学,起到了打击封建制度的作用;二是鼓励人们追求财富及现实的幸福,有利于资本原始积累A church is greatly shaken the feudal theology, played against the feudal system;Two is to encourage people to pursue the wealth and happiness reality, in favor of the primitive accumulation of capital消极影响 过分推崇个人意志,造成个人私欲的膨胀等;Negative effects of too much personal will, causing personal desires expansion;。



